Questions in this test will be relevant to the area of specialization based on the following syllabus. The syllabus for all
subjects is indicative and not exhaustive.
1. Introductory Mineralogy
i) Mineral, definition and classification
ii) Process of Mineral Formation
iii) Common Physical Properties of Minerals
2. Chemical composition and diagnostic physical properties of rock forming minerals and identification of rocks
3. Elementary idea of Igneous, Metamorphic and sedimentary petrology
4. Economic Geology
i) Ore minerals and gangue
ii) Identification of ore minerals and distribution of minerals in India
5. Sampling
i) Types of Sampling methods and brief idea
a. Stream Sediment Sampling
b. Soil Sampling
c. Channel Samplingd. Chip Sampling
e. Grab Sampling
f. Bulk Sampling
g. Core Sampling
ii) Sampling preparation
a. Sampling drying, Crushing and pulverisation
b. Sieving and quarter Coning methods
iii) Equipment for sample collection and preparation
50 mark Above technical knowledge and another 50 marks from general knowledge reasoning basic math etc. 60 min time for each part
This is the exam paper for MECL technician (sampling) post for advertised in 2023. And exam is going to happen in on 26 December 2024