CSIR-CIMFR stopped third-Party coal Sampling Activities Temporary

Temporary Halt in Third-Party Sampling Activities by CSIR-CIMFR Due to Internal Issues

Recent internal issues with the service provider of CSIR-CIMFR (Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research) have led to the temporary suspension of third-party sampling activities. M/s Cotecna, the service provider, has faced complications, resulting in the disruption of their partnership with CSIR-CIMFR. This development has prompted interim arrangements by MCL (presumably the company or organization involved) for joint sampling at loading points/sidings with consumers. The aim is to ensure continued quality assessment and settlement of coal bills until CSIR-CIMFR resumes its sampling activities.

Temporary Halt and Interim Arrangements:

As per information received from MCL’s areas, and confirmed by a Senior Scientist from CIMER (Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research) in Ranchi, the third-party sampling activities conducted by CSIR-CIMFR have been temporarily stopped due to internal issues with M/s Cotecna. In response, MCL has made necessary interim arrangements for joint sampling at all loading points/sidings with consumers as outlined in the Fuel Supply Agreement (FSA). This ensures that quality assessment and subsequent settlement of coal bills can continue smoothly until CSIR-CIMFR resumes its sampling activities.

Unilateral Sampling and Quality Assessment:

In the absence of joint sampling, MCL will conduct unilateral sampling, which will serve as the basis for quality assessment. It is crucial for coal consumers to cooperate and participate in joint sampling at loading points/sidings to maintain accurate and reliable quality assessment. It should be noted that failure by coal consumers to participate in joint sampling will not be considered grounds for disputing the unilateral sample results collected by MCL. Therefore, active cooperation from all stakeholders is essential during this temporary disruption.

Efforts to Resume Sampling Activities:

CSIR-CIMFR, along with its service provider M/s Cotecna, is working to resolve the internal issues and address the contractual complications that have led to the suspension of third-party sampling activities. While the specific details of the internal issues have not been disclosed, it is expected that efforts are being made to find a satisfactory resolution. Regular communication and updates from CSIR-CIMFR and M/s Cotecna are anticipated regarding the progress towards resuming sampling activities.


The temporary halt in third-party sampling activities by CSIR-CIMFR, caused by internal issues with their service provider M/s Cotecna, has necessitated interim arrangements for joint sampling by MCL. These arrangements ensure uninterrupted quality assessment and settlement of coal bills during this period. Coal consumers are urged to cooperate and actively participate in joint sampling to maintain accurate quality assessment. The industry awaits the resolution of the internal issues, and it is anticipated that CSIR-CIMFR and M/s Cotecna are working diligently to resume their sampling activities and restore the regular flow of operations in the coal sector.

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