The Techniques of Modern Structural Geology (Vol 1) by Ramsay

The Techniques of Modern Structural Geology (Vol 1) by Ramsay and Huber


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Structural geology, a branch of earth science, has leapt ahead over the past decade.

This book has grown out of a need to teach fundamental, practical aspects of structural geology to under grauate and post graduate students in the earth sciences and they have been written to provide a basic text at undergraduate university level.

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  • Displacement: Changes in length and Angles
  • The strain ellipse concept: Distortion and rotation
  • An introduction to Heterogeneous Strain
  • Displacement Vector Field and strain.

Practical strain Measurement

  • Initially Circular and Elliptical Markers
  • lines
  • The center to center technique and strain Partitioning.
  • Angles
  • Orientations Analysis
  • Strain in 3 Dimensions
  • Progressive Displacement and Progressive Deforation
  • Measurement of Progressive deformation
Volume - 1
Volume - 2
Volume - 3

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